KYLflex® TPC-ET / TPEE heat resistant series are suitable for extrusion products due to their stable extrusion performance and high heat resistance.


  • Rapid crystallization, easy to mold
  • Excellent ageing resistance
  • Good rebound resilience
  • Excellent heat resistance
  • High flexural modulus
  • Excellent chemical stability
  • Good creep resistance
  • Excellent electrical performance
  • Good wear resistance

Main Applications


Cables & Wires

KYLflex® TPC-ET/TPEE has excellent flame retardancy and excellent high and low temperature resistance (-60℃-+150℃), high oil resistance, weather resistance, excellent creep resistance and fatigue resistance, excellent low temperature flexibility, low friction surface and good hydrolysis resistance. It is suitable for cables for electric, communications, transportation fields.


Hydraulic Hoses

TPEE hydraulic hoses has excellent properties such as high strength, high elasticity, corrosion resistance, grease resistance, high and low temperature resistance, and hydrolysis resistance. It is suitable for hydraulic hoses in machinery, aviation, aerospace and other fields.

Grade List

GradeHardnessMelting flow indexFlexural ModulusTensile stengthTensile elongationMelting point
/Shore Dg/10minMpaMpa%


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